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Top Strategies for Effective Possum Control at Home

Even though possums are often seen as harmless and even cute by many, they can become a real nuisance when they decide to live in your yard or home· Due to their ability to carry diseases, these nocturnal creatures can cause significant property damage, cause noise disturbances, and pose health hazards· In order to maintain a safe and comfortable living environment, effective possum control is crucial· Here are the top tips to keep possums at bay· Contact Pest Control Services for possum control services·

Secure Garbage Bins

A possum is attracted to foods that are easily accessible, and garbage bins can be a goldmine· Make sure your bins have a tight fitting lid and are securely fastened· Consider using bungee cords or bin clips to keep possums out even more· Store bins in a garage or shed to make them more secure·

Remove Food Sources

The best way to deter possums is to eliminate food sources· By removing these attractants, you make your property less attractive to possums· Do not leave pet food outside overnight, clean up fallen fruits from trees, and secure compost bins with possum-proof lids·

Trim Trees and Shrubs

Keep branches at least 1·5 meters away from the roof to discourage possums from accessing it· Possums are excellent climbers and can gain access via overhanging branches· Maintain trees and shrubs in the area around your home to keep them from finding easy pathways·

Install Possum Deterrents

It is possible to deter possums from your property using a variety of deterrents· A motion-activated light or sprinkler can startle and scare possums when they approach, while ultrasonic devices emit sounds that are inaudible to humans but unpleasant to possums· The smell repellents made from natural ingredients, such as garlic or chili, can also work·

Seal Entry Points

You should inspect your home thoroughly to identify potential entry points such as gaps in the roof, walls, and foundations because possums can squeeze through small gaps and openings· To prevent possums from entering, use durable materials like steel wool, wire mesh, or caulk·

Protect Your Garden

During the summer, possums love to raid fruit trees and vegetable patches· Protect your garden by covering plants and trees with netting or wire mesh· To prevent possums from getting under the netting, fasten it securely and extend it to the ground· You can also protect young trees with tree guards·

Use Possum-Proof Fencing

If you want an effective barrier around your garden or specific parts of your property, install possum-proof fencing· Ensure the fence is 1·5 meters high and curved to prevent climbing, using metal or heavy-duty plastic· To prevent possums from digging under, bury the bottom of the fence at least 30 centimeters deep·

Create Unfavorable Habitats

Possums will stay away from your property if you eliminate potential nesting sites like wood piles, debris, or dense vegetation· Keep your lawn well-maintained and tidy to prevent them from settling·

Install Nesting Boxes Away from Your Home

Possums can nest on nesting boxes far from your house if you live in an area where they are common· This can prevent them from nesting on your roof or attic while still allowing them to coexist·

Seek Professional Help

Getting rid of possum infestations is easier with professional help· Pest Control Services in Melbourne specializes in possum control and can provide comprehensive solutions to manage and prevent possum infestations· Their experienced team can conduct thorough inspections, implement effective control measures, and offer ongoing support to keep your property possum-free·

Contact Pest Control Services if you are looking for reliable and effective possum control services· They can ensure a safe and comfortable living environment in your home and garden·

You can protect your property from damage and reduce health risks by implementing these top strategies for effective possum control· In order to manage possum activity, you need to secure garbage bins, remove food sources, trim trees, install deterrents, seal entry points, and seek professional assistance· Possum control solutions are available from Possum Control Services in Melbourne· Don’t let possums ruin your property – contact them today·